Social sustainability

A company’s most valuable asset are its people, which is why they are at the center of our actions.

In this regard, we forge alliances to build a more supportive and egalitarian society through corporate social responsibility.

Training Agreements
Dual Professional

We support the competitiveness of productive industry by training people, either by facilitating technology transfers or promoting vocational training.

CZFB joins the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training

We joined forces with the Fundación Bertelsmann in the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training to develop quality education (SDG 4) and decent work and economic growth (SDG 8).

Study on Dual Vocational Training in the Llobregat Delta region and survey of ZF companies

We commissioned an analysis, diagnosis and action plan to promote Dual Vocational Training in the Llobregat Delta region, as well as the supply and demand for this type of training offer in the ZF environment. This opened up a new collaboration opportunity for key entities in the Delta public space.

Report on "New Trends and Training Needs in the 3D sector

We are working with the Fundación BCN Formació Professional to determine the profiles needed by the 3D industry and the related training requirements to be developed.

Participation in the Pompeu Fabra University’s Continuing Education Institute (idEC- UPF)

Dual Vocational Training Workshop

Logistics Talent Forum

Metropolis FPLab Scholarship

A metropolitan programme that provides funding through grants for vocational training as a means of fostering the presence of women in industry.

“Forma't al Port” Agreement

Since 2018 we have been collaborating with this programme of the Escola Europea of Short Sea Shipping at the Port of Barcelona dedicated to the training of new logistics professionals.

Corporate social action

Agreements in the Zona Franca’s Women's Council

Up to 17 companies are part of the Women's Council in 2021:

  • Aigües De Barcelona
  • Area Metropolitana De Barcelona
  • BCL (Barcelona-Catalunya Centre Logístic)
  • Cellnex Telecom
  • Cocemfe Barcelona
  • Consorci De La Zona Franca De Barcelona
  • Covestro
  • Dbschenker
  • Mercabarna
  • Nissan Motor Ibérica
  • Parc Logístic ZF
  • Port De Barcelona
  • Quimidroga
  • Seat
  • Sertram
  • TMB
  • Zal Port
Agreement with Mercabarna for the ZF Crèche

We reached an agreement with Mercabarna and Suara Cooperativa to make the Somriures Crèche available to the employees of all companies located on the ZF industrial estate.

Zona Franca Industrial Estate Accessibility study

We worked with COCEMFE (Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities) to prepare an initial study of accessibility to this production area which occupies 6% of the Barcelona municipal district. This is a key report which will serve as a blueprint for developing future maintenance and urban planning actions.

Ciutat Solidària Award

The 9th edition of the Ciutat Solidària Award sponsored by CZFB and Onda Cero went to the Association for the Support of Sexually Assaulted Women (AADAS) and the Fundación PaliaClinic, which supports vulnerable and terminally ill people.

Security Award

In  2021,  our  Security  Department  was recognized with honorable mentions by the Barcelona City Guard and the National Police Leadership.

ZF Community Platform for communications in the area

We created this space on the corporate website to improve direct communications with the ZF ecosystem of companies and in so doing facilitate the establishment of agreements and the organization of services and events.

Creation of a corporate Podcast channel

New platform for broadcasting relevant industrial and technological content.

Access the podcasts

Book in support of the victims of the volcanic eruption in La Palma

We wanted to show our solidarity with the victims by supporting the publication of this book.

Environmental sustainability

The industrial environment is particularly sensitive to behaviours linked to the consumption of energy, water, natural resources, circular energy dynamics and respect for the environment.

It is therefore essential for us to promote energy generated from renewable sources and environmentally responsible attitudes.

Energy and transport,
spearheading sustainability

Promoting the use of photovoltaic energy

We signed an agreement with the Barcelona City Council to encourage the installation of photovoltaic panels for both individual and community use.

Agreement with the Barcelona City Council

We signed an agreement with the Barcelona City Council to encourage the installation of photovoltaic panels for both individual and community use.

Decarbonisation Agreement with AMB

In May 2021 we joined the metropolitan agreement for the development of renewable hydrogen technologies and for a decarbonised Catalonia, supporting:

  • Hydrogen energy initiatives for public transport
  • Creation of a green hydrogen research centre
  • Support for the Green Hydrogen Valley Platform of Catalonia sponsored by URV (Rovira i Virgili University)
  • Willingness to collaborate with renewable hydrogen initiatives from other areas of Spain
  • Promotion of vocational training and start-ups in this sector

Industry and Energy Transition Workshop

Virtual workshop with the participation of companies from the industrial estate, energy companies and Teresa Ribera, Fourth Vice-President of the Government and Minister for Ecological Transition, to address the energy transition in the industrial sector.

First green hydrogen station in Spain

Within the framework of our agreement with TMB, we support the implementation in the Zona Franca of the first green hydrogen service station for public use in Spain, managed by Iberdrola.

PERTE, Electric and Connected Vehicle

The CZFB is putting its infrastructure at the service of the project, proposing two test circuits for use cases that could then be transferred to the market and according to the PERTE, or Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation of the Electric and Connected Vehicle.

Commitment to low-impact mobility:

  • Extension of the bike lane on the industrial estate, which is already more than 2 km long
  • Installation of electric charging stations in the area around DFactory Barcelona
  • Promotion of shared modes of transport

Towards a greener, more human and collaborative Zona Franca

  • Planting of more than 300 trees
  • Improved maintenance of trees and shrubs
  • New street signage
  • Installation of monolith markers and digital information screens at the entrances to the industrial estate
  • Creation of landscaped rest areas at five places on the industrial estate
  • Environmental recovery of soil contaminated by hydrocarbons and organochlorines on several plots of land, an initiative in which we invested over €450,000
  • Studies to examine expanding the Ecoenergy network on the industrial estate and reactivating the use of reclaimed water in the industrial area

Economic Sustainability

Strategic Project Plan

The strategic planning of our projects is reflective of the corporate objectives and takes into account the fundamental strategic pillars.

Strategic Pillars

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Lines

Strategic Projects

Strategic Pillars


Strategic Objectives

  • Increase CZFB’s net equity
  • Maintain a high level of ROS
  • Increase RONA
  • Align projects with strategic pillars

Strategic Lines

  • Generate new business
  • Improve efficiency of current businesses
  • Eliminate current businesses

Strategic Projects

  • ES 1. Standardise global project scoring vs. strategy and ROI
  • ES 2. Define customer strategy for profitability of ZIFE and Zona Franca Customs (ZFC)
  • ES 3. Define new business model for trade fairs
  • ES 4. Increase operational and organisational efficiency
  • ES 5. Implement new ERP
  • ES 6. Divestment plan for non-strategic projects

Strategic Pillars


Strategic Objectives

• Develop the territory’s economy by developing its companies
• Be a driving force for the generation and demand of talent
• Be the technological Industry 4.0 hub in Southern Europe

Strategic Lines

• Acquire technological know-how
• Take advantage of synergies between business lines
• Form strategic partnerships to secure talent

Strategic Projects

EDT 1. Plan to attract Industry 4.0 companies and Zona Franca industrial estate customer transformation plan
DET 2. 5G connectivity plan for Zona Franca industrial estate
DET 3. Post Office project
DET 4. Creation of Industry 4.0 Labs/Incubators
DET 5. Expansion of ZFC to appeal to Industry 4.0 manufacturing

Strategic Pillars


Strategic Objectives

• Achieve selected SDGs where possible
• Integrar con el entorno urbano de Barcelona el PIZF
• Be the Circular Economy benchmark in the territory

Strategic Lines

• Develop the Circular Economy Programme, extending it beyond the ZIFE
• Increase the energy efficiency of ZIFE and new buildings
• Integrate ZIFE into the urban environment

Strategic Projects

UIES 1. Rethink ZIFE urban planning and introduce green areas, city access, services and leisure areas
UIES 2. Improve mobility inside the ZIFE: plan to remodel pavements, bike lanes, urban mobility to avoid driving
UIES 3. Energy efficiency
UIES 4. Develop Circular Economy

Mercabarna Agreement Plot 22AL

An area of 173,194m2 adjacent to its current site, for €69,775,664. The sale benefits the economy of the metropolitan region, enabling Europe’s leading fresh food wholesale market to strengthen its leadership.

Innovation hub Aeronautics in Sabadell

We signed a collaboration protocol with the Sabadell City Council, Aena, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech (UPC) to promote innovation in the aeronautical sector.

2021 Budget

Continuing operations

1. Net turnover 55,975

Sales 55,975

2. Work carried out by the company on its assets 1,378

3. Procurements -1,378

Work carried out by other companies -1,378

4. Other operating income 6,318

Sundry and other operating income 6,318

5. Staff costs -7,875

Wages, salaries and similar -6,413

Social security charges -1,462

Provisions 0

6. Other operating expenses -7,875

External services -1,462

Taxes -1,462

Losses, impairment and changes in trade provisions -1,462

7. Fixed asset depreciation -17,115

8. Non-financial fixed asset grants and other 105

9. Impairment and gains/losses on disposals of fixed assets 0

Impairment and losses 0

Gains/losses on disposals and other 0

10. Other profit (loss) 0

Operating profit (loss)

14. Financial income 120

Holding in equity instruments 120

15. Financial expenses -871

Debts owed to third parties -871

Financial profit (loss) -751

Pre-tax profit (loss) 8,577

Profit (loss) for the year from continuing operations 8,577

Profit (loss) for the year 8,577

Financial year

Balance sheet as of December 31, 2020 (in thousands of euros)



I. Intangible assets 71.603

2. Concessions 5.930

5. Computer applications 56

6. Transfer rights 65.617

II. Property, plant and equipment 12.692

1. Land and buildings 9.531

2. Plant and equipment and other property, plant and equipment 3.161

III. Real estate investments 274.608

1. Land 107.960

2. Constructions 166.648

IV. Long-term investments in group and associated companies 6.545

1. Equity instruments 6.545

V. Long-term financial investments 6.103

1. Equity instruments 390

2. Loans to third parties 1.721

5. Other financial assets 3.992


II. Stocks 155.258

2. Commercials 0

4. Work in progress and semi-finished products 155.258

III. Trade and other receivables 7.296

1. Trade receivables for sales and services 6.498

2. Customers, group companies and associates 0

3. Sundry accounts receivable 794

4. Staff 4

5. Other receivables from public authorities 0

IV. Short-term accruals 20

V. Short-term financial investments 221

1. Debt securities 0

2. Loans to companies 0

5. Other financial assets 221

VII. Cash and cash equivalents 43.387

1. Cash and other liquid assets 43.387

TOTAL ASSETS A) + B) 577.733


A) NET EQUITY 491.554

A - 1) Shareholders' equity 0

I. Accumulated shareholders' equity 0

1. Accumulated shareholders' equity at beginning of year 452.314

VII. Surplus for the year 35.939

A - 2) Adjustments for change in value -22

II. Hedging operations -22

A - 3) Grants, donations and legacies received 3.323


4. Other forecasts 0

II. Long-term debt 32.087

2. Deudas con entidades de crédito 11.677

4. Derivatives 443

5. Other financial liabilities 19.967

V. Long-term accruals 36.456


II. Payable to group and associated companies 0

III. Short-term debts 7.018

2. Debts with credit institutions 3.958

5. Other financial liabilities 3.060

V. Trade and other payables 10.618

1. Suppliers 5

2. Suppliers to group and associated companies 69

3. Sundry creditors 8.256

4. Personnel (remunerations pending payment) 1.164

6. Other debts with Public Administrations 1.124


For the purposes of the obligation established in art. 35.6 of the Commercial Code and for the purposes derived from the application of the principle of uniformity and the comparability requirement, the annual accounts corresponding to the year under review are considered as initial annual accounts, and therefore it is not mandatory to reflect comparative figures. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, tal como establece la Disposición transitoria cuarta del Real Decreto 1514/2007, se incluye el balance y la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias correspondientes al ejercicio anterior, aprobados por el correspondiente Pleno de la Entidad. These financial statements were prepared in accordance with the standards established in Royal Decree 1643/1990, dated November 20, 1990- PGC 1990.

Balance sheet as of December 31, 2021 (in thousands of euros)

ACTIVE 2.021


I. Intangible assets 68.219

2. Concessions 5.768

5. Computer applications 146

6. Transfer rights 62.305

II. Property, plant and equipment 11.889

1. Land and buildings 8.905

2. Plant and equipment and other property, plant and equipment 2.984

III. Real estate investments 262.552

1. Lands 108.808

2. Constructions 153.744

IV. Long-term investments in group and associated companies 6.545

1. Equity instruments 6.545

V. Long-term financial investments 17.390

1. Instrumentos de patrimonio 390

2. Loans to third parties 1.721

5. Other financial assets 15.279


II. Stocks 144.060

2. Commercials 0

4. Work in progress and semi-finished products 144.060

III. Trade and other receivables 1.864

1. Trade receivables for sales and services 1.207

2. Customers, group companies and associates 0

3. Sundry accounts receivable 649

4. Staff 8

5. Other receivables from public authorities 0

IV. Short-term accruals 20

V. Short-term financial investments 10.640

1. Debt securities 0

2. Loans to companies 0

5. Other financial assets 10.640

VII. Cash and cash equivalents 102.067

1. Cash and other liquid assets 102.067

TOTAL ASSETS A) + B) 625.246


A) NET EQUITY 554.516

A - 1) Shareholders' equity 0

I. Accumulated shareholders' equity 0

1. Accumulated shareholders' equity at beginning of year 488.253

VII. Surplus for the year 63.353

A - 2) Adjustments for change in value 0

II. Hedging operations 0

A - 3) Subvenciones, donaciones y legados recibidos 2.910


4. Other forecasts 0

II. Long-term debt 27.292

2. Debts with credit institutions 10.809

4. Derivatives 144

5. Other financial liabilities 16.339

V. Long-term accruals 33.443


II. Payable to group and associated companies 0

III. Short-term debts 3.903

2. Debts with credit institutions 862

5. Other financial liabilities 3.041

V. Trade and other payables 6.092

1. Suppliers 0

2. Suppliers to group and associated companies 0

3. Acreedores varios 3.251

4. Personnel (remunerations pending payment) 1.004

6. Other debts with Public Administrations 1.837


For the purposes of the obligation established in art. 35.6 of the Commercial Code and for the purposes derived from the application of the principle of uniformity and the comparability requirement, the annual accounts corresponding to the year under review are considered as initial annual accounts, and therefore it is not mandatory to reflect comparative figures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as established in the Fourth Transitory Provision of Royal Decree 1514/2007, the balance sheet and profit and loss account for the previous year, approved by the corresponding plenary session of the Entity, are included. These financial statements were prepared in accordance with the standards established in Royal Decree 1643/1990, dated November 20, 1990- PGC 1990.

Profit and loss account for the year ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands of euros)


1. Net revenues 69.365

a). Sales 69.308

b). Provision of services 57

3. Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress 11.361

. Aprovisionamientos -22.010

a). Consumption of goods -8.355

b). Work performed by other companies -10.997

d). Impairment of merchandise, raw materials and other consumable materials -2.658

5. Other operating income 7.774

a). Ancillary and other current management income 7.774

6. Personnel expenses -8.229

a). Wages, salaries and similar -6.395

b). Social charges -1.834

c). Provisions 0

7. Other operating expenses -23.159

a). Servicios exteriores -15.839

b). Taxes -7.217

c). Losses, impairment and variation in trading income. -103

8. Depreciation of fixed assets -17.906

9. Allocation of subsidies to non-financial fixed assets and others 426

11. Impairment and gain or loss on disposal of fixed assets 18.976

a). Impairment and losses 0

b). Gains (losses) on disposals and other 18.976

13. Other results 0


14. Financial income 136

a). Of participations in equity instruments 0

a). In third parties 24

b). Marketable securities and other financial instruments 0

a). From third parties 115

c). Impairment and disposal of financial instruments 21

15. Financial expenses -819

b). For debts with third parties -702

16. Variation in fair value of financial instruments 0

b). For debts with third parties -117





For the purposes of the obligation established in art. 35.6 of the Commercial Code and for the purposes derived from the application of the principle of uniformity and the comparability requirement, the annual accounts corresponding to the year under review are considered as initial annual accounts, and therefore it is not mandatory to reflect comparative figures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as established in the Fourth Transitory Provision of Royal Decree 1514/2007, the balance sheet and profit and loss account for the previous year, approved by the corresponding plenary session of the Entity, are included. These financial statements were prepared in accordance with the standards established in Royal Decree 1643/1990, dated November 20, 1990 (PGC 1990). Translated with (free version).

Profit and loss account for the year ended December 31, 2021 (in thousands of euros)


1. Net revenues 65.279

a). Sales 65.223

b). Provision of services 56

3. Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress 4.594

4. Procurement -18.238

a). Consumption of goods -7.103

b). Work performed by other companies -4.592

d). Impairment of merchandise, raw materials and other consumable materials -6.543

5. Other operating income 6.890

a). Ancillary and other current management income 6.890

6. Personnel expenses -7.589

a). Wages, salaries and similar -6.016

b). Social charges -1.573

c). Provisions 0

7. Other operating expenses -26.264

a). External services -17.869

b). Taxes -8.233

c). Losses, impairment and variation in trading income. -162

8. Depreciation of fixed assets -17.050

9. Allocation of subsidies to non-financial fixed assets and others 412

11. Impairment and gain or loss on disposal of fixed assets 55.708

a). Deterioros y pérdidas 0

b). Resultados por enajenaciones y otros 55.708

13. Other results 0


14. Financial income 135

a). Of participations in equity instruments 0

a). En terceros 0

b). De valores negociables y otros instrumentos financieros 0

a). From third parties 135

c). Impairment and disposal of financial instruments 0

15. Financial expenses -524

b). For debts with third parties -526

16. Variación de valor razonable en instrumentos financieros 0

b). For debts with third parties 2





For the purposes of the obligation established in art. 35.6 of the Commercial Code and for the purposes derived from the application of the principle of uniformity and the comparability requirement, the annual accounts corresponding to the year under review are considered as initial annual accounts, and therefore it is not mandatory to reflect comparative figures. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, tal como establece la Disposición transitoria cuarta del Real Decreto 1514/2007, se incluye el balance y la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias correspondientes al ejercicio anterior, aprobados por el correspondiente Pleno de la Entidad. Dichos estados financieros fueron elaborados conforme a las normas establecidas en el Real Decreto 1643/1990, de 20 de noviembre- PGC 1990. Translated with (free version)

Evolution of main magnitudes (1).

Net sales revenue

Fiscal Year 2020 69.365

Fiscal Year 2021 65.279

Variac. 2020/2021 -5,89%

Net surplus for the year

Fiscal Year 2020 35.939

Fiscal Year 2021 63.353

Variac. 2020/2021 76,28%

Proprietary Funds

Fiscal Year 2020 488.253

Fiscal Year 2021 551.606

Variac. 2020/2021 12,98%

Cash-flow from current operations (2)

Fiscal Year 2020 -5.870

Fiscal Year 2021 58.680

Variac. 2020/2021 N/A

Net surplus for the year / shareholders' equity

Fiscal Year 2020 7,36%

Fiscal Year 2021 11,49%

Variac. 2020/2021 N/A

(1) Economic figures expressed in thousands of euros .

(2) Figures without taking into account financial debt and future commitments (3)

Con la aplicación del Nuevo Plan Contable, los conceptos de los ingresos de explotación han variado. Se ha intentado adaptar a los nuevos conceptos de importe neto de la cifra de negocios.

Summary of key management indicators for the period 2018 - 2021 (1).

Net sales revenue

Fiscal Year 2018 52.129

Fiscal Year 2019 55.512

Fiscal Year 2020 69.365

Fiscal Year 2021 65.279

Net surplus for the year

Fiscal Year 2018 25.606

Fiscal Year 2019 14.156

Fiscal Year 2020 35.939

Fiscal Year 2021 63.353

Net worth

Fiscal Year 2018 438.158

Fiscal Year 2019 455.792

Fiscal Year 2020 491.554

Fiscal Year 2021 554.516

Net surplus for the year / shareholders' equity

Fiscal Year 2018 5,84%

Fiscal Year 2019 3,11%

Fiscal Year 2020 7,31%

Fiscal Year 2021 11,42%

(1) Economic figures expressed in thousands of euros.

With the application of the New Accounting Plan, the concepts of operating income have changed. An attempt has been made to adapt to the new concepts of net turnover.